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Archive for June, 2017

Bothered by Sagging Thigh Skin and Excess Fat?

Published on June 22, 2017

How many times have you stopped yourself from purchasing a skirt, swimsuit, or shorts because of the appearance of your thighs? It might just be a bit of excess fat or some sagging excess skin, but these issues can have

A Non-Surgical Way to Sculpt a More Masculine Jaw

Published on June 2, 2017

When it comes to the male aesthetic, there are certain facial features that are highly coveted. A strong and well-defined chin is one facial feature that can enhance the masculine appeal of the face and profile. Many men have an

Please call the practice for any inquiries

We offer complimentary consultations for cosmetic and skin rejuvenation services. For other procedures, patients are responsible for any health insurance co-pay or deductibles.